January 24, 2011


Okra-1 pound
Curd-1 and 1/2 cup
Mustard-1/2 tsp
Whole cumin-1/2tsp
Dry red chilly-1
Curry leaves-few
Green chillies-3 to 4
Ginger-less than 1/2 tsp chopped (optional)
Corriander leaves-1 tbs chopped
Oil - 2tbs
Salt to taste

Fry okra in oil with salt.
Mix curd with salt,corriander leaves and ginger(add little water if curd is too thick).
Heat 1/2 tsp oil in a pan,add mustard,cumin,dry red chilly and curry leaves.(mustard must crackle).
Pour this over the curd.
Now add fried okra  and mix well.
Okra raita is ready.
You can serve this hot or cold.

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